Monas Universum
Mona’s latest projects are cover songs by Lhasa De Sela and Joni Mitchell. See separate pages for these projects. There is a link in the menu.
Mona Grytøyr has been active as a musician since the age of 12, and here you can see clips from Halvsju on NRK (her first performance). You will also find clips from today, including her single “Digidate”, with video. Also catch her live stream from Kreti & Pleti, with songs from her previous album “From here to Paradise”.
Monaon Radio Free Moscow in USA
Radio Free Moscow is a non-profit organization dedicated to the progressive values of peace, justice, democracy, human rights, multiculturalism, environmental protection and freedom of expression. Go to Radio Free Moscow

. Kreti & Pleti
Mona Grytøyr with band performs on Live stream, a Facebook concert organized by Kreti & Pleti April 2020. This was to keep cultural life going, when Corona broke out in Norway.

Hit me with your best shot
. NRK 1982
When Mona was 12 years old, she was a big fan of Pat Benatar. Every day she would play her songs loudly in our basement, and because her parents were musicians, they had a pretty good PA. The neighbors had to listen to rock’n roll whether they liked it or not This video clip is from Halvsju. A popular program for teenagers in the 80s.